Help Us Name Our (Chicken) Robot

Our robot friend’s snow tires are on back-order so the zero-emissions chicken delivery robot is taking a break for the winter season, warming up under that California sun!

It’s true – we have a new mascot, and it’s a zero emissions delivery robot! Since we opened in 2018, meeting the needs of our community has been our number one priority. So, when shoppers started asking for rotisserie chickens, we had to deliver. Our friends up at the Meijer on Alpine have worked with us to produce chickens for our shoppers and with a variety of delivery partners, we’ve had them delivered fresh and hot every day since. But now...

Thanks to our new friends at Tortoise, we now have our fresh, hot rotisserie chickens delivered every day with the help of an electric, zero-emissions robot. And here’s where you come in – our robot needs a name!

Name entries closed on December 31, 2021. Thank you all who submitted ideas!

The Bridge Street Market team has the right to veto any name submitted by the public.

Submit A Name Entry

Entries were accepted through December 31, 2021 and entries are now closed!
Stay tuned for the TOP 5 names and our winning name announcement.


Why did the chicken robot cross the road?
To get to Bridge Street Market, of course!


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